Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Recently I was asked the question “How do you stay motivated?” Motivated? I thought to myself. I dunno. I just am, but it couldn’t be that easy, right?

Wikipedia says: Motivation is the activation or energization of goal-oriented behavior. Motivation is said to be intrinsic or extrinsic. I believe this, but I also think that you have to value something to be motivated.

After feeling deflated by not being able to answer this question with ease, I decided to dedicate some time to thinking about where my motivation comes from. I discovered that there are various things that have motivated me throughout my life, but I realized that I did have an “Ah, Ha!” moment that impacted me greatly.

I think most people can relate to the cliché term “college 15.” Yes, it happened to me and I didn’t even realize it until my junior year of college – a reality check, for sure.

My life has always been busy (I prefer it that way, really), but in college it was always controlled chaos. Between working multiple jobs, teaching and taking dance classes, and studying for school I didn’t think about nutrition or the gym. It was not until I met Percy, my boyfriend, who works in health and fitness that I became interested in the industry.

In college I was dancing 15 hours a week, topped off with fast food three to four times a day. Yes, you read it correctly… a day. I know. I know. Disgusting, right? At that time I could tell you what every fast food chain’s menu offered in my area. It was clear my knowledge of exercise and nutrition was limited. So, I started asking questions.

With Percy’s help I started to educate myself on all-things health and fitness and it became a huge focus of mine. I started to learn about eating right and exercising outside of my usual dance routine. My lifestyle had always been active through dance, alternative ways of working out didn’t cross my mind. I also wasn’t putting quality food into my body and as a result, I constantly felt sluggish and had zero energy often. I knew what I needed to do. I needed to make a lifestyle change.

So I did!

The answer to the question, “How do you stay motivated?” is much more apparent to me now. I value my health! Having the energy to dance and excel in my career is important to me and leading a healthy lifestyle supports those goals. And these goals are the reason I now take daily steps to ensure I have optimal health – it gets me where I want to go.

Aside from health and fitness I've always been a driven and motivated individual -- intrinsic, as Wikipedia describes. However, the health aspect enhanced all of the things I value and made it easier to achieve my goals.

I think everyone should take and minute and answer this question. You may find there are many great answers to your motivated behavior, but when you pinpoint the source you are more likely to stay on course and take the steps needed to achieve your goals.

Now I’m asking you, “How do you stay motivated?”

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